
Showing posts from October, 2017

Ant Infestations and the Need for Ant Pest Control Service

Mention the term ‘infestation’ and most people are likely to think of pests like termites, roaches, or rodents. Surprisingly, not many people think of ants as a serious problem. Ask any ant pest control service company, however, and they could likely tell you story after story of ant infestations.  The Problem with Ants One of the reasons why ants escape most people’s ‘pest radar’ is that they are not as dangerous as wasps or hornets and they are not known to carry diseases like rodents. It does not, however, mean that an ant infestation is something you can afford to take lightly.  Ants pose a three-fold problem to your household Firstly, they are a nuisance. You can find rows and rows of them crawling in your kitchen or pantry in search of crumbs of food that they could feast on. It is not an appealing sight and it could get even worse if some of them end up in your breakfast cereal, sugar, or any food item that is not stored in an airtight container.  Second